Zerebecki, R.A., and A.R. Hughes. Ecological consequence of genotypic diversity within a foundation plant, Spartina alterniflora, are pervasive but not universal across a multiple stress gradient. In press at Journal of Ecology
Zerebecki, R.A., K. Heck and J. Valentine. (2022) Biodiversity influences the effects of oil disturbance on coastal ecosystems. Ecology and Evolution 12: e8532. 10.1002/ece3.8532
Zerebecki, R.A., E.E. Sokta, T.C. Hanley, K. Bell, C. Gehring, C.C. Nice, C. Richards, and A.R. Hughes. (2021) Repeated genetic and adaptive phenotypic divergence across tidal inundation in a foundation plant species. The American Naturalist 198:E152 -166
Hays, C.G., T.C. Hanley, A.R. Hughes, S.B. Truskey, R.A. Zerebecki, and E.E. Sotka. 2021. Local adaptation in marine foundation species at microgeographic scales. The Biological Bulletin. 241:16-29
Zerebecki, R.A., A.R. Hughes,J. Goff, T.C. Hanley, W. Scheffel, and K. Heck. (2021) Effect of foundation species composition and oil exposure on wetland communities across multiple trophic levels. Marine Ecology Progress Series.662:53-68
Hughes, A.R., T.C. Hanley, A.F.P. Moore, C. Ramsay-Newton, R. A. Zerebecki, and E.E. Sotka. (2019) Predicting the sensitivity of marine populations to rising temperature. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 17:17-24
Hughes, A.R., J. Cebrian, K. Heck, J. Goff, T.C. Hanley, W. Scheffel, and R.A. Zerebecki. (2018) Effects of oil exposure, plant species composition, plant species composition and plant genotypic diversity on salt marsh and mangrove assemblages. Ecosphere. 9: e02207. 10.1002/ecs2.2207
Zerebecki, R. A., G. M. Crutsinger, and A. R. Hughes. (2017) Spartina alterniflora genotypic identity affects plant and consumer responses in an experimental marsh community. Journal of Ecology. 105:661-673
Hughes, A. R., T.C. Hanley, N.P. Orozco, and R.A. Zerebecki. (2015) Consumer trait variation influences tri-trophic interactions in salt marsh communities. Ecology and Evolution. 13: 2659-2672
Zerebecki, R.A., and A.R. Hughes. (2013) Snail behavioural preference for flowering stems does not impact Spartina alterniflorareproduction.Marine Ecology Progress Series. 487:41-54
Zerebecki, R.A., and C.J B. Sorte. (2011) Temperature tolerance and stress proteins as mechanisms of invasive species success. PLoS ONE. e14806
Sorte, C.J.B, S.L. Williams, and R.A. Zerebecki. (2010) Ocean warming increases threat of invasive species in a marine fouling community. Ecology. 91:2198-2204